🚫Why Can't You Evolve Ursaring Easily?
If you've been trying to evolve Ursaring, you've probably run into that pesky error message. And the deal is, Ursaring can only evolve under a full moon. And nope, it's not some in-game gimmick or a trick you can skip. You actually need a real-life full moon to get your hands on Ursaluna in Pokémon GO. So, it's time to whip out those calendars and mark the dates! 📅
🧐What You Need for the Evolution:
Apart from the lunar magic, you also need a hefty 100 Teddiursa candy to make this transformation happen. So, start hoarding those candies now! 🍬
🌕When's the Next Full Moon in Pokémon GO?
The next lunar opportunity is on December 15, known as the Cold Moon. This is your next shot at evolving Ursaring into Ursaluna. And if you miss that, here's the full moon schedule for 2025:
- January 13
- February 12
- March 14
- April 13
- May 12
- July 10
- August 9
- September 7
- October 7
- November 5
- December 4
🤔Any Other Chances to Evolve Ursaring?
Well, sometimes, Niantic throws in some extra windows of opportunity during events. They might let players evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna as part of event bonuses. So, whenever a new event is announced, especially those featuring Teddiursa or Ursaring, keep a sharp eye on the event details. But don't expect them to just randomly toss this bonus in if it doesn't gel with the event theme. For November 19's Teddiursa and Combee Spotlight Hour, sadly, there's no such evolution bonus. So, stay tuned and be ready to pounce when the right event or full moon comes along!
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